Pre Treatment Before Using UV Printing Machine And How To Proceed It

  • By:Nocai
  • 2021-07-08
  • 873

Coating Technology Is Vital For UV Flatbed Printing Machine

Coating is a commonly used special treatment liquid in UV printing technology. Therefore, the coating plays a great role in the advertising industry, mainly to assist the uv printer flatbed to attach the printed color ink to the surface of the medium, and even slightly damage the surface of the medium (the damage is extremely small, and humans cannot use the naked eyes to see it), so that the color ink penetrates into the medium well, so as to achieve the effect of long-term bright, vivid, color-proof, waterproof and scratch-resistant.

How To Solve The Problems In Flatbed Printing Machine ?

The coating has many inspection processes, and generally there will be no poor adhesion. If there is a phenomenon of poor adhesion, there are generally the following situations:

1. The coating is artificially diluted, which reduces the concentration of the coating and can not exert the original effect;
2. When the coating is stored for a long time, dust, water, oil, etc. will enter, which will destroy the internal composition of the coating;
3. The nature of the coating does not match the printed material. For example, the coating of glass is not suitable for leather. Generally speaking, the materials are different, and the choice of coating should be water-soluble or oily according to the different printing materials.

During the working of uv flatbed printing machine, when encountering the above situation, the main solutions are as follows:

1. Buy coatings from uv flatbed printer suppliers, don't buy inferior coatings.
2. The coating should be kept in a cool place, close to indoor vents, and avoid direct sunlight. If it is opened, use it as soon as possible, if it is not used up at one time, close the opening in time.
3. In actual operation, the operator should keep his hands clean, and the workshop environment should be kept clean and bright.

So in the advertising industry, what materials need to be processed before small format uv flatbed printer, and how to deal with it ?

Material: Ceramic, metal, glass, acrylic

Processing method: wipe the surface of the tile with a dust-free cloth before printing, and then use a spray gun or sprayer to apply a special glass coating to the tile surface evenly, or wipe the coating by hand. If you want to know more about uv flatbed printer price, you can call our editor of Nocai to give you more detailed answers. Nocai is flatbed printer manufacturers.  Candice Chen 18664538711

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