4 Ways To Solve The Adhesion Lack Problem Of UV Printing

  • By:NOCAI
  • 2022-05-19
  • 748

Due to its wide application range and many printable materials, digital flatbed printers have been favored by everyone since their launch, but some friends said that the patterns printed by uv printing machine lack adhesion. So how to solve this problem? The following four methods may solve the problem of device adhesion. Let's have a look below, here four solutios to improve the adhsesion of the uv printing.

1. UV ink :

UV printers use UV inks, which are divided into soft inks, hard inks and neutral inks. Different materials use different inks. The quality of inks on the market today varies. The price of ink is directly proportional to its quality, compatibility and adhesion. The cheaper the ink, the more damage to the Ricoh nozzles and the greater the possibility of nozzle clogging.

Solution: When you do not know which UV ink to choose or when the UV ink is used up, you can directly consult the original manufacturer to buy it. The UV ink selected by nuocai uv printer manufacturers has been tested for a long time, which ensures the quality of the ink to a large extent.

2.Environmental factors :

When the printing environment humidity of digital flatbed printer is too high, the surface of the material will be damp, and it will not be completely dry after printing, which will affect the printing quality; when the working environment temperature is too low, especially in winter, the printed pattern is easy to crack and peel off.


Solution: If possible, you can install an air conditioner so that the indoor temperature is not lower than 15 °C; at the same time, avoid a humid environment. When the humidity in the air exceeds 70%, the moisture will easily condense on the printing material, resulting in poor adhesion.


3. UV light :

During the printing process, if the power of the LED lamp is too low, the UV ink will not be fully cured on the surface of the material, so the adhesion of the pattern will be poor.

Solution: Replace the UV lamp with too low power in time.

4. Primer :

When printing on some materials with poor adhesion, it is necessary to apply a coating liquid to increase the adhesion on the surface of the material. Different materials have different coating liquids. For example: when you want to print metal objects on a2 size uv printer, in order to prevent the pattern from falling off due to scratches, you must apply a layer of coating liquid before printing to increase the firmness. Well, the above is all the content, if you want to know more about uv printer China in gift customization, you can privately message us for more details !

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